Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Arizona Highways to Help State Parks

A couple of months ago, the Arizona legislature voted to take 60% of the state park budget, which is comprised entirely of user fees with no state contribution, six months after the budget went into effect.

As I reported at the time, the move would force the division to several parks, reduce the maintenance budget and turn the whole system into a threadbare operation, which is kind of self-defeating because they need the user fees to continue the services which remain.

In response to the legislative action, the State Parks Board voted to close thirteen parks and keep nine open. The best I can tell from a glance, five of those which remain open are operating on a five day a week schedule and several of the previously closed parks have been given a temporary reprieve by partnering with local governments.

Toward the same end, Arizona Highways magazine has graciously offered five dollars from every subscription sold using a specific checkout code to the state park ofyour choice and they're suggesting that people consider buying multiple subscriptions, as gifts.

Related: For a look at how far a state government might go to be considered ridiculous, follow the AZ tag for a shock.
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